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Reply to "Counsellor has just offered another session to talk it through.Updated - Ended today."


How confusing for you to have to make decisions about chosing a therapist, that must feel really tough...I guess you're so wary of making any mistakes. The ones you spoke to taday sounded interesting in different ways...

No-tea T certainly got to work quickly..

talked directly to my inner child and before I knew it, I was talking from taht part and then I started shaking and my teeth chattering and I could not think or speak. She said I was releasing trauma stored in the body

gosh, that sort of intensity of work is quite deep for a first meeting. No wonder you were shaking Frowner Were you ok driving home? Hmmm I wonder why she doesn't give hot drinks, it's not much to give if you were so shaken up is it?? It is her duty of care to make sure you are ok before you leave ....I know, my T has reminded me of this many a time! I guess I am used to her making me a coffee and thinking nothing of it, but they do all have their different rules and ways I suppose.

It's a shame Full-up T hasn't appointments til January, mind you with a break over Christmas that's not too far away. Will you arrange to meet her in person before you decide? That's probably really important isn't it?

I like Liese am a bit uncertain why you feel the psychologist won't be able to help...

he is only a psychologist for heaven's sake

and I guess it depends on what sort of training he has done - but I see a clinical psychologist who is very well qualified and experienced ...they have to be more so than many therapists, so don't let that put you off. You must ultimately decide on what feels right for YOU and only you can make that decision....I hope in the end that perhaps the decision becomes obvious and you instinctively haed and heart know who to chose.
