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Reply to "Counsellor has just offered another session to talk it through.Updated - Ended today."

Thanks TN and Kashley,
Yes, I think the psychologist is a bit daft really doing that limited time scale thing especially when he said initially that it could be open ended and indefinite. Then he changed his mind.
I talked to this woman who lives near on the phone yesterday and then she offered me a intitial assessment and I have been getting cross about who they charge about £80 for a first meeting and you don;t even know if you want to work with them yet.
so she replies:
After some further reflection, I have re considered my offer of the assessment session. There are a few reasons:

Firstly, I am uncomfortable that you are clearly unhappy with paying for the assessment session, (this is my usual practice, and that of many of my colleagues), and my experience has been that how therapy starts out is highly significant in terms of successful outcome. My concern is that this situation may well affect how we then go on to work together, if we were to decide to do that.
However, I do completely understand that you wish to look around for the right person, after your recent experiences, and if its important to you that you don't pay, I totally support you in pursuing this, as there are of course, plenty of therapists who don't charge.

Secondly, after our conversation yesterday I realise that you may well need more support than I can offer time wise, in terms of increasing freqeuncy of sessions/time on the phone etc. My practice is very tight at the moment, and will remain that way for the forseable future as I have lots of very long term clients. I am also away training a bit more too next year. So I will not be able to provide this extra time.

Thirdly, I checked my diary and realise that the client I thought was due to finish in January is infact finishing in februaury next year, so we wouldn't be able to commence work until then.

Therefore, on balance I think it best that we don't proceed at this point.

Well, at least we ended that earlier rather than later, so I am left with the 'no T' T at the moment, and have emailed her asking if she would like to meet again and said how I felt about the T. She will probably say she does not want to work with me either. Frowner

this is really hard,
I see the psychologist today
probably going to challenge him too
weed them out like nine pins.