And Butterfly, yes, the setting with no tea T was really nice but she seems a little fragile - when I asked her how much therapy she had done on herself she said "this is the third time you have asked me that !" and I said sorry, i obviously am forgetting things
so she said "18 years"
and I said "wow" laughingly "you must have had a LOT to work on1" ( i was rather impressed)
but she replied "well I think you coul dbe a little more sensitive, "
and I am not sure I misheard.
She seemed offended and upset.
but I have emailed her to check on that.
Just come back from just over an hour with the clinical psychologist and their training is REALLY different over here, in the UK. He just needs three years of academic training after his first degree. He has done - wait for it - 14 sessions of personal therapy himself.
in his whole life
well I had a LOT to say about THAT !

he also admitted at the end that he felt a little intimidated by me, as I know more about therapy than he does.
So guys, nice as it is talking with him, and it is very very nice, my little me likes to be there a lot, I have to remember and REMIND me, that he is only an interim person whilst I find a good therapist and I must not get too attached to him.
He is offering me one session a week until about Feb. And then we end Nov 2011.
But I may just see him until I am established with a REAL therapist.
So you see 'clinical psychologist' does not mean that much here.
He was really sweet today though adn I liked talking to him.
He won't be drawn on commenting on the C as he is a collegue of hers, but I sure vent about her and her ears must be burning.
I find HE kept the session going and at the end, he said, "we must end here, we are over time"and I said quite honestly 'You are making us go over, as you keep talking, I am not saying ANYTHING!' and he laughted cos it was true.
I talked about how I had posted something really difficult for me on my blog on Sunday and that was really amazing really cos although I cannot talk about it, at least I have written about it. I did not tell him WHAT it was that I was so bothered by but at least I was alluding to something that I might try talking about to him.
but I feel I could run circles around him. Without even pausing for breath.
So the search continues.