I've been following along, Sheychen...just wanted you to know that, but I don't feel that equipped to offer a lot of insight. However, I do wnat to offer my support.I feel really badly about what happened with C, that it seems like the **** hit the fan as we say here in NA, when you so bravely opened up to her about the enjoyment of attention. That was tough, interior work you were trying to do- and you need a really sensitive and understnading T who gets this piece. I had a similar conversation with my T many times, and I just wnat to say that it *is* possible to get the caring understanding and support that you so badly crave and need. Even though, very confusing at times, or we tend to push it away, or not see it when it is available...you know, on a deep level, when the total understanding and acceptance of you *where you are at* is available and when it is *not.*
You take care, now,stay strong-