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Reply to "Dear T"

i like the dear t posts. it inspired me to write my own letter. i'm not gonna post it here. but, in the writing, i figured out that alot of my whiny, unable-to-put-into-words behavior at my last session was probably coming from a very young age in my mind, a place we have been working on in therapy. i also figured out that i DO have several friends(i kept telling him i had none at last session--very pity-partyish), but it is my walls that pevent me from getting too close. i am not sure how to get the walls down, but maybe that is something he can help me work on. i found out that i do have session this week Big Grin
also found some descriptions for some of these crazy emotions that are terrorizing me lately. so i guess i will talk to him about it, and maybe he will know what to do with it all--or at least some of it.
KAT: so happy for you and your growth in therapy. i admire your courage to talk to your T like you did.

so thanks all for the inspiration!!