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Reply to "does anyone else sabotage themselves ..."

My T is so new to email that she will only know if I've sent her one if I call and leave her a message about it. So, if I have to call her anyway, it seems I really shouldn't bother emailing her anything short of a personal epiphany.

I struggled with the whole calling thing yesterday. I decided to write about this struggle and email it to her. So, now of course I have to call her anyway to tell her to check her email. I haven't done this yet. It just seems too ironic. Of course after writing everything down I felt so much better that I didn't really need a response from her so I may not call her about it at all.

BTW I always try to specifically state in an email or vm what kind of response I need from her. I hate that waiting period for all of those reasons AG mentioned above. So to make it easier on myself I try to eliminate any doubt about whether or not I am going to hear from her and how soon. This of course was a lesson I learned the hard way. We all do.

I really loved what you said AG, about the between sessions contact boundaries being vague on purpose. I hadn't thought about that but it makes a lot of sense. I know I have learned stuff about my self as I have struggled through it. For the first 1 1/2 yrs of therapy I didn't even assume I could call her. When she finally mentioned it after I described a particularly difficult weekend I had I was surprised (and miffed) that she hadn't explicitly told me this in the beginning. Therapy is such a trip!