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Dream analysis in your therapy?

Hi all,

I'm curious to know who here routinely discusses their dreams in therapy, and if you've found it helpful.

My T and I focus on my dreams pretty extensively. It's difficult and confusing, but I feel that our dreams are a communication from our psyche (our soul) and it's been helpful to me to look into them for answers about what I'm really feeling below my level of awareness. I guess this is sort of a Jungian/Freudian approach. I know a lot of therapists dismiss the meaning of dreams, but if dreams are really another part of you that is speaking to you, I think it makes sense to not ignore them completely.

I often have dreams that leave me feeling really fearful and anxious when I wake up. My T says that dreams are my own creation and that there's nothing in dreams that is there by accident, even if they make no sense and are totally bizarre.

He has also explained the difference between "manifest content" and "latent content", and even though my dreams are never the same, there certainly are some recurring themes in them.

Anyway, if you have any thoughts on the role of dreams in your therapy, I'd love to hear about it.

Thanks, and happy holidays.

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