I'm so bored so I thought I would ask you all about something that's going on with me over the last couple of days.
Just wondering if anyone here is currently or has ever come off of the drug Effexor, and what your experiences were with it.
I had been on Effexor since January sometime, and gradually developed a tremor in my hand, sensations of water trickling down my legs, then into the hands, then my eyes would bounce around when I had them closed (which was fun) unless you wanted to actually sleep! After seeing a neurologist, he suggested coming off of the Effexor before having further tests incase they were just side effects of the drug.
So about 2 weeks ago my GP told me how to ween off of the drug, dropping doses over X amount of days ... yadda yadda

It's not the flu by any means .. but definately new to me since coming off of the drug. Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing .. could it be withdrawl? If it is I'll just ride it out because it's better than not being able to write or hold a fork because of the tremors! If this is withdrawl I'm a little annoyed that both my GP and P weren't a little more informative about what to expect!
I see my GP in a week to talk about how my weening is going (I think she expected me to still be in the process when I see her), so if this is still going on I'll talk to her about it then .. but for the sake of some conversation I thought I would ask you about it in the meantime
