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Reply to "Effexor"

I have never taken the named antidepressant but I stopped taking on when I began having hand tremors. After taking a different RX for more than I year, I began to wean off of it and began having some of the symptoms you mention. I read they were common withdrawal symptoms. I resumed the meds and weaned off at a much s l o w e r pace. This seemed to help. Occasionally, I get the feeling of electrical pulses through my head and worried that an "alter" was trying to find its way out (of which I have never been diagnosed) but anyway, they seem to be less now after 2 weeks of no meds. I was simmering an idea of how to step in the water here when I found your entry. I would like to learn how to quote but have no yet figured that out. If you can give me some pointers, I would like that very much.