I've changed AD's many times...and never really weaned myself off any of them. I just quit and start another...or just quit. I'm don't pay much attention to the side effects but I do have "other" factors that keep me from being able to sort it all out. *smirk*
Now with the benzo's that's a different deal there. The schedule for me to withdraw from the amount of Xanax I was on was spread out over 18 months. YIKES!!!

I didn't end up doing it that way...I ended up having a surgery that put me in a coma for a week and that effectively withdrew me from all medications. The coma sucked...but it was sure an easy way to withdraw from all medication.

Right now...I am not on an AD. I have been considering it, but most of them increase my potential for migraines so it's a difficult balancing act.
I do know that the increase in your vivid dreams is most likely related to your withdrawl. It will get better, keep in mind it could be a good opportunity to take a good look at those dreams and even keep a dream journal.
I've always had the electrical jolt aberration. I think it's just a mind/body disrhythmia, when the mind sleeps before the body is relaxed (or the other way around) they are out of sync...and when they sync up...the result is an electrical discharge of sorts. I dunno...just my thought on it.
OH...and you might talk to your "loving" partner about a sleep disorders clinic. If snoring is keeping you awake and is excessive, she may have a sleep apnea and may benefit from treatment for that. It can be a very serious problem.