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Reply to "Effexor"

Hi SD Smiler

LOL I read your comment about my partner's snoring. With all of the hours I lay awake at night I've never heard her breathing skip a beat so I don't think she has sleep apnea. Besides, I'd rather wear earplugs at night than have to roll over to her in a mask and sounding like Darth Vader LOL Talk about nightmares!! Big Grin LMAO

What kind of surgery did you have that put you in a coma!? Sorry, you don't have to answer that .. I was just thinking I could get past these symptoms AND lose a few lbs if I went into a coma for a week or two! LOL

I think that if I didn't have so many commitments this past week (where I couldn't have taken the chance on having 'flu-like' symptoms), I would have just stopped too and taken my chances. I hate taking drugs so much so that I've had a few surgeries and been given scrips for pain meds, and never filled them. But I guess when you can't stop crying and your mind continually races a hundred miles and hour, you'll take anything to make it stop ~ and that's how I got here .. dealing with withdrawl and having bugs being zapped in my head LOL. I'm not suffering from the symptoms I'm experiencing, they are just more annoying than anything, especially the insomnia .. OMG there are only so many suduko pages to do, video games to be played and Psychcafe posts one can do in a continuous 24 hour never ending period!!

I've always had the electrical jolt aberration. I think it's just a mind/body disrhythmia, when the mind sleeps before the body is relaxed (or the other way around) they are out of sync...and when they sync up...the result is an electrical discharge of sorts. I dunno...just my thought on it.

This is interesting - thanks for your thoughts. I hope I won't have to always have the jolts and hear the zaps, it would really get annoying!

Good idea on the dreams .. I'm going to start that tonight.

Thanks for your comments! Good Night Smiler
