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Reply to "Effexor"

I'd rather wear earplugs at night than have to roll over to her in a mask and sounding like Darth Vader LOL Talk about nightmares!! Big Grin LMAO

OMG....that's too funny. But I know exactly what you mean. I have sleep apnea and my S.O. has gotten so used to the sound that she can't sleep without it anymore. So...whether or not I am in bed...she runs the machine for the white noise. LOL....
I have an MP3 download suggestion for you. It's extremely hypnotic and very useful for sleeping. It's called Structures from Steve Roach. The track is 28 minutes long and well worth the download. We set it to repeat play all night long and it works great. It has been helpful to everyone I've ever suggested it to. doesn't always work for me. Currently...I am sleeping better @ about 6-7 hours a night or day...whatever. But when I started posting here...I was on a 8 month run of sleeping less than 3-4 hours a night, frequently going up to 72 hours without any sleep. It got so bad that my Dr. put me on an anti-psychotic. OK...that knocked me out...BAD!!! And OMG...what a hangover. I'm not doing that anymore (except when I'm highly agitated/activated)...but it did help break me out of the insomnia cycle.

What kind of surgery did you have that put you in a coma!? Sorry, you don't have to answer that .. I was just thinking I could get past these symptoms AND lose a few lbs if I went into a coma for a week or two! LOL

I did a gastric bypass...needed to do it, to make the liver transplant list. I have HCV (Hep C) so my liver is not in great shape. Well...the surgery was complicated and high risk for me and I knew it, but I did it anyway. I had post surgical complications and bled out....BADLY!!! YIKES...In the two days, before I went back into surgery, I went through 30 units of blood. They couldn't pump it in as fast as I was losing it.
My friends and family were totally freaked out. They actually wanted to kill me...once they knew I wasn't going to die! Isn't life ironic? LOL... I, of course, was oblivious to most of it. I do have some weird coma memories.....another long story there. *chuckling*
Anyway...after they repaired the leak I improved pretty rapidly, I'm pretty resilient. But now...I need another surgery to repair the hernia that developed as a result of the double surgery week. It's a pretty simple procedure...but I am feeling a bit freaky about it. I also need to have my gallbladder taken out...which should have been done with the bypass. Complications prevented that from happening as planned. I hope they can do it with the hernia repair. I have lost a ton of weight...(well...not literally a ton) Wink But I've lost about 120 pounds. I still need to lose another 50 before they will put me on the transplant list, but this hernia deal is making losing that weight very complicated.

So...that's my (physical) disaster story...all things considered...I'm pretty lucky. I just hope my luck holds. *keeping my fingers crossed* Sometimes I wonder if doing all this therapy is going to be wasted. What good is mental health when your body fails you? Hmmmm......
