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Reply to "Effexor"

Smiler SD!!

How are ya woman?! Sleep .. sleep is funny! I used to need 7-8 hours but this withdrawl stuff is really cutting that down. I get about 3hrs a night right now. But I don't feel tired at all during the day. I'm just super wired, which is funny too. Even though I have a very short fuze (because of the drug), I laugh at the stupidest things! Last night I was laying in bed at 2am (which sucked because I had to work at a marathon this morning for 8am) reading and there was an intro to a chapter that said something about being psychoanalitical (CG ... sorry if I spelt {is spelt a word - now you have me paranoid woman!} that wrong Razzer) I laughed my head off because the word was so bloody funny at the time.

Gastric Bypass .. I would do that if I could afford it. Well maybe not now - but before for sure. How fast did you lose the 120lbs? I've lost 60 since September (I needed to turn 40 to realize that I needed to do something before I ate myself into an early grave), I just need to lose another 50 to be where I want to be. But I worked my freakin ass off 2-3 hours at the gym a day (I was on stres leave from work so had LOTS of free time)and eating meals off of a salad plate (the only way to control portions for me). Now I'm addicted to the gym and to boxing, and I feel better than ever! You must feel great (other than your liver, hernia and gallbladder)! The only crappy part of losing weight is having to keep getting mew clothes, and getting rid of things you hardly had a chance to wear! LOL

One thing I've learnt is that therapy is never a waste Smiler I won't tell my P that, she'll think I'm cured and kick me to the curb! LMAO technically if thats the case, mental health is useless to worry about whether your health is bad or not .. I mean really! A person could get hit by a bus, a penny from heaven (or the 13th floor of a highrise) could fall on your head, a psychotic werewolf could attack you .. tomorrow. LMAO Keep your eyes open out there!

Well tata, off to the next post Smiler

ME Smiler