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Reply to "Effexor"

Hi PM ..

I don't think we've chatted before(or maybe we have, and I forgot!) so I'll say: Hi and welcome to CyberCafe Smiler

Thanks for your note.

I'm asking myself .. did you break up because she had turned into a freak from the withdrawl symptoms? I feel like a freak .. especially when I start laughing at things I probably shouldn't be, or when I'm wanting to tear the head off of someone that stops in front of me at the grocery store. I'm normally just a moody BI--H, so this laughing stuff is really throwing me for a loop and my spouse might leave me because she doesn't deal well with change! Razzer Okay - I'm officially a freak!

Thanks for your story. Sounds like you had a pretty hairy time (ups n' downs) with the Zoloft. Drugs are scary things .. I've had enough of a hard time dealing with forks/pens and knives jiggling or flipping out of my hands (no one wanted to sit at the table with me for some reason!), I can't imagine losing any short-term memory due to a scrip. YIKES Eeker It would be kind of good though I could be nasty to someone .. here for example .. and be able to say "What, what did I say" and mean it! LMAO

Thanks again for your note,
Be Well!
