Selling stuff on e-bay sounds like such a pain in the you know what. I'd rather stick it in a bag and send it off to some charity group than have to be bothered with posting things, shipping things .. sheesh. I have important things to do like sit at the computer or check out all of the chicks (and even some of the guys) at the gym! Basically I wear something till it falls off instead of getting things to fit every few weeks. But I imagine dropping 100 lbs so fast you had to keep up with the wardrobe.
So are you a Camel or a Werewolf .. you can't possibly be both! LOL
Mmm Wellbutrin. I've been okay on it, so I'm not in a rush to get off of that one too. I think my Dr. wanted me to stay on it until Fall and then get off just before I go to school in September (something about having to be on it for at least nine months for it to be beneficial .. I dunno).
I try not to take any drugs whether prescribed or OTC so I'm pretty sure the symptoms are from the Effexor .. but thanks for suggesting another option. I'll work through a headache rather than take a Tylenol. I used to use Benadryl a lot when we had a cat and I found that I was very allergic to it - but she was family, so I lived through it. After she was gone I stopped taking them and realized how sedated I had been on with them! Craziness.
When I had my lil breakdown last summer I wasn't able to get to sleep because my head wouldn't shut off, and if I woke up for some reason in the night I would take forever to get back to sleep because my brain would start going again. So I was given some prescription for sleeping, but I have to take it with my supper (it takes forever to kick in), and I always forget about it until it's too late to take. Anyway, with therapy, the decision to finally quit my job, and with some balance in my life I was able to get too sleep pretty well with playing a crossword until I was too tired to keep my eyes open, So it seemed to preoccupy my thoughts so I could sleep better.
That worked fine until last week .. now I feel like I could stay awake forever! Hours of reading finally relaxes my brain to sleep. Once I get to sleep I seem to sleep for a few hours then wake up raring to go.