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Reply to "Effexor"

Eeker Okay, I have to tell you that I'm pretty butch and nothing gross gets to me, I love the sight of blood - even watched a surgery being done on my hand when I said I did't want to be put under for something they could do by cutting off the blood flow in my arm, people call me to clean barf up for them because it doesn't bug me (other than being a pain in the ass). I'm sick - I know! But you talking about your hernia - that actually made me raise an eyebrow and say EWE! LOL Don't apologize .. I'm exaggerating (but only a bit!).

Selling stuff on e-bay sounds like such a pain in the you know what. I'd rather stick it in a bag and send it off to some charity group than have to be bothered with posting things, shipping things .. sheesh. I have important things to do like sit at the computer or check out all of the chicks (and even some of the guys) at the gym! Basically I wear something till it falls off instead of getting things to fit every few weeks. But I imagine dropping 100 lbs so fast you had to keep up with the wardrobe.

So are you a Camel or a Werewolf .. you can't possibly be both! LOL

Mmm Wellbutrin. I've been okay on it, so I'm not in a rush to get off of that one too. I think my Dr. wanted me to stay on it until Fall and then get off just before I go to school in September (something about having to be on it for at least nine months for it to be beneficial .. I dunno).

I try not to take any drugs whether prescribed or OTC so I'm pretty sure the symptoms are from the Effexor .. but thanks for suggesting another option. I'll work through a headache rather than take a Tylenol. I used to use Benadryl a lot when we had a cat and I found that I was very allergic to it - but she was family, so I lived through it. After she was gone I stopped taking them and realized how sedated I had been on with them! Craziness.

When I had my lil breakdown last summer I wasn't able to get to sleep because my head wouldn't shut off, and if I woke up for some reason in the night I would take forever to get back to sleep because my brain would start going again. So I was given some prescription for sleeping, but I have to take it with my supper (it takes forever to kick in), and I always forget about it until it's too late to take. Anyway, with therapy, the decision to finally quit my job, and with some balance in my life I was able to get too sleep pretty well with playing a crossword until I was too tired to keep my eyes open, So it seemed to preoccupy my thoughts so I could sleep better.

That worked fine until last week .. now I feel like I could stay awake forever! Hours of reading finally relaxes my brain to sleep. Once I get to sleep I seem to sleep for a few hours then wake up raring to go.

Smiler Chat at ya later Gater .. Camel .. Werewolf .. I'm so Confused confused LOL