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Reply to "Effexor"


*hmmm.....maybe she forgot who she was posting to....hmmmm*

SD my dear ... you are somewhat unforgetable so there isn't a fear of that happening!!

LOL I had kind of 'assumed' that your GUTS were just flopping around under your skin .. but the thought of it NOT being contained by skin was just too much for this hard a-- to swallow! Gives me shivers just talking about it here! I think this forum is turning me into some kind of ooey gooey pile of mush! Where oh were did my pile of concrete and rocks go!?!?!?!?! Frowner

Anywhooooo - will catch up to you later. I need to go buy some new boxing gloves .. I'm apparently over using them and burst a seam. I never should have put that picture of my P on the heavy bag! HAHAHA

Be cool!
