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Emotion regularion and Cognitive Therapies

Hello everyone-

I have been around but not here much. I have a cousin that just moved to california from florida but she had originaly been relocated because of katrina... and things are still a mess. Had another cousin take his life...didnt know him as well but still.. just crap... other things as well....

Still going to therapy though yesterday adrine wasn't going to be in so didnt have t which is good and bad.

Anyways, she had to formulate 'treatment plans' and one thing she included on our latter to be done trauma work is emotion regulation and cognitive therapy. I've heard of emo. regulation some in terms of DBT but not much in relation to trauma. I'm familar with CBT... and exposure therapies.... guess that falls under the umbrella of 'cognitive therapy'w hen it comes to trauma.. what else does?

just looking for more feedback and NO, I DON"T want to ask her more about it at this time because I don't want to discuss it more with her... LOL..

thanks for the imput.

Intrepid Butterfly Warrior
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