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Reply to "Erotic Transference PAIN"

Hi S,
Welcome to the forums! You've come to a good place to get info on your problem, there are a number of people dealing with the issue, myself included. Sorry about the delay in replying, lots going on with a getting triggered by my first going off to college. Since the subject of erotic transference has been widely discussed on this site, I'm going to point you to few links I found helpful on other sites, good topics to read on the forum, and a couple of book suggestions. That's not to discourage you from posting any questions you have, but because you asked a general "what do I do with this" question, I thought some of this stuff might help. All the links are below. I'm sorry about all the pain that you're in, this is really difficult stuff. But I'm looking forward to getting to know you and I think you'll find this to a good place to come for understanding and support.


Here's the links:

Erotic Transference in Psychotherapy Reading this is what convinced me to talk to my therapist in the first place. Actually his whole website provides a lot of good information. I actualy emailed him to thank him when things worked out really well when I talked to my T about being attracted to him and got a very nice reply.

Symposium on Transference
Click on this link and look for any entries with "Symposium: 2008" These entries provide links to video and papers from a Symposium held in 2008 on Erotic Transference. Its from the caregiver's point of view but there is a lot of good information.

The Many Hats of a Psychotherapist This guy writes a regular blog about therapy for patients and has some good stuff. On this particular article scan down through the comments until you reach the comment titled "Transference" and you'll get the therapist's take on dealing with it.

Myshrink stuff:

Shrinklady's article on transference is a great place to start. She explains things very clearly and in a way that's easy for a layman to grasp. Transference

Many people who experience an intense transference relationship like the kind you're describing, often have attachment injuries, so I would also recommend reading this page: Attachment Issues

There are two very long threads in the forum that discuss transference from all kinds of angles. Since this is written by the patients struggling with it, I think you'll get a lot of good info from them:

Update on Transference

Transference II

Last, but not least, in the forums, you can do a search (button at the top of any forum page) on Erotic transference which will give you a list of topics that mention it.

I would also recommend two books:

Deborah Lott's In Session: The Bond Between Women and Their Therapists This is one of the few books out there that talk about this issue from the patient's point of view. A lot of us found this book really helpful, if for nothing else, because it normalizes this reaction. You feel a lot less crazy after you read it.

A General Theory of Love I recommend this book so much I should get a commission from the author's! Big Grin This does a great job of explaining how we form our relationship templates, the significance of attachment and how therapy can help us to change those patterns. My T actually read this on my recommendation and we have used it extensively in our work together.

Wow! Sorry that was a bit more than I realized. Hope I didn't overwhelm you. But I know most people are hungry for info because it's hard to find. And again, feel free to ask any questions that come up!

I hope some of this helps.