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Reply to "Falling back"

As we progress and make changes within ourselves, can we fall backwards. I mean the 3 steps forward 1 step back sydrome.

Hi Katskill,

It sure feels that way sometimes. But falling back sounds like regression and that does not usually happen. It feels like a step backwards I think because there are so many different levels we are working on at the same time and most of it is being done neurologically where we can’t see it. So while we make all this progress I notice that it feels like I am working on the same stuff and will remark “I thought I already worked through this!” My T always reminds me that we did, its just a new layer. –That’s my experience anyway. I believe that we reach a point of no return in our therapy. Once we've come to know that there is something different, something better, we will never go back. Not that we can never have upsets or set backs, but I believe those become more temporary. You know what I mean?

I am glad that you are able to reach out like this. It is a pleasure to have you aboard with us.
