Many thanks for the excerpts. I've been thinking about them and the topic of the role of individual therapy in my life for a bit now, 'cause the sessions with Tfella are up and it's time for me to probably be transitioning to seeing someone in the community - or not. And since I'm in group therapy as it is, I had to figure out what individual therapy gave that group didn't - or, if it didn't give anything different, if I even needed to try to find another T.
I have decided to start looking, and asked Tfella for referrals, in large part because of this whole phenomenon that you're talking about. Group just doesn't have that kind of attachment, not with the Ts or the other members. I _do_ get things in group that I would never get in individual therapy - advice, support about making good choices, feedback about how other people really see me - that I don't get in individual therapy.
Lots to think about.