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Reply to "Feeling anxious today"

Hi Summer,

It is totally understandable why today, especially, is hard. It has been a long road. It seems that your P's failure to return your calls before he disconnected his line was completely about him, and definitely did not consider your needs.

Since you do trust your T, maybe you could tell her directly how you felt belittled, and that your feelings were not validated. It seems like she has been a good support through working through the termination, and it might open up a thoughtful discussion for her to understand how you are grieving.
I don't know if I could start over with someone totally new - it would take a long, long time to develop the trust, if ever.

I totally get that! I tell my T all of the time that I could/would never start the process again. I have changed T's several times, and this is the first time I really genuinely built that trust. It is hard to imagine ever starting over.
