Reply to "Finally got the courage to discuss Erotic Transference-YIKES!!"
Thanks to all of you. Your understanding and kindness has helped me. I am still very upset over this. I was in tears all night. I put myself out there in a very brave and scary way and it meant nothing to him. TN, thanks for sharing your experience, it helped. I want to face him down. But I think, he thinks, the article said it all, so he may have felt he had nothing to add, and that I received a clear view on what ET is. I was waiting for him to expand on me and him. I am not sure if he was totally clueless or just thought I was satisfied from the article. I know this man finds me attractive, but I really don't think he is attracted to me....who knows. I really believe he is competent to handle this but, I think he is waiting for me to take the wheel. I want him to take the wheel....right? This is a huge subject to have floating around the room and I just thought it deserved a lot more attention from him as the professional. I do wonder if he was uncomfortale. He was very cool and controlled and just looked at me. Sometimes I wonder if he likes the fact that this is happening to me towards him and that seems cruel; like....oh...this younger women is thinking about me like this. He never asked directly if I have sexual thoughts about him. He does not understand the impact he has on me or how deep this runs. The "love" I have for him....which is not real anyway. I still cannot believe how light he took it all. I read that book you mentioned. The article is from a website called The article is called Erotic Transference. I love that website and have learned tons from it. What do I need T for then? There is a question answer section too. Sorry, I am all over the place with this.