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Reply to "Gazing"

in 20 years of different Ts i have never EVER made real eye contact ….. its too intense …

my 1st T, i can count on one hand how many times i looked up at her - 4 times - in a 7 year period. it was shame, and then it became a weird thing in that she went on and on and ON about it so much, it left me even more self conscious that i could NEVEr look up for fear of it being such a huge deal (and id feel more shame)

my 2nd T, i did look at her - buuuuuutttttt - i had my glasses off - so i could barely se her face anyway not once did she ever ask why i'd take my glasses off at the start of every session …

my 3rd T, i started by making eye contact - for several weeks - but when i started to talk more, i stopped.

my current T - same thing - but i looked up for even less sessions. maybe twice? then its all looking at my OWN feet. i honestly couldn't even say what colour shoes or trousers she had on.

i think its because i am so super sensitive to emotional intimacy. in therapy I've worked out that the relationship i had with my mother left me feeling she emotionally raped me - she invaded me and enmeshed me with her. i am so so so so super scared of anyone doing that to me, that i can't even tolerate (yet) eye contact in the intense setting therapy is.

its also a matter of 'black and white' in terms of how id feel or interpret any look my T had on her face - if she didn't react, id feel she didn't care - if she DID react, id feel it was going to result in a lot of scary pain - or emotional invasion.

i do one day - way way way in the future, want to be able to look up and see her. i caught her eye once - she came to a meeting when i was inpatient for anorexia, and id seen her that morning, then when i walked into the room (full of doctors), as i walked in, i caught her eye - she was halfway through a smile - she had seen me and smiled BEFORE i looked up - she would have smiled regardless of if i looked up or not - but i saw it. it was a kind, compassionate, encouraging smile. kinda breaks my heart thinking about it really Frowner

i know, i do miss out on a lot by not looking up

i also find it painful. last week i did a sneaky look (when i know she isn't looking, as she's writing) - she's so lovely and i feel so yucky; it just leaves me feeling sad Frowner