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Gestalt therapy and "responsibility"

So I revealed to T that at several points people have done bad things to me- and he said that trying to figure out why they did those things was an attempt to get away from trying to change things in myself- what I could have done differently. He was clear to say I wasn`t responsible for what happened, so I`m clueless about what he means. I`m aware enough to know that this is a Gestalt therapy thing but I`m unsure to what he means.
As far as I`m concerned, the second those people did things to me, what I did or did not do is irrelevant- nothing good would have come out of what I did in any case, so what does it matter?

I don`t see my T until Wed, (it`s Monday)and I am so bothered by this weirdness I`m feeling , that I`m tempted to call and cancel and tell him to go stuff it. Any thoughts? Anyone been in Gestalt therapy and can help me understand his perspective?
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