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Reply to "Gestalt therapy and "responsibility""


I wouldn't like to hear that either. Frowner Do you mind if I ask how old you are? I seem to remember that you are pretty young, like 18. I don't know what your T is talking about specifically but maybe what he is talking about isn't as scary as you think it is. I am sure what you experienced was bad and that people did bad things to you. My guess is your T knows that too. We do things because we think we have to or because it's how we learned to relate to people or because we are trying to get our needs met.

I've had a lot of bad things happen to me too both as a child and as an adult. People can be mean. People do bad things. Some people are always looking for a punching bag. I always volunteered to be that punching bag. Frowner

I never learned to identify what I was feeling, that my feelings were valid and/or that I was allowed to protect myself. I picked people as friends as an adult who also ignored my needs. So, for me, the process has involved letting myself feel my feelings, being able to identify my feelings and feeling entitled to my feelings.

The responsibiity part comes into play, for me, in terms of recognizing when my needs aren't being met and taking action, whether that means speaking up for myself (very hard) or distancing myself from someone. When I was unhappy in a relationship, I didn't leave but instead tried to change the other person because I am shy and socially awkward. I stayed with people who weren't necessarily good for me or nice to me because I was afraid and not confident in my ability to make friends. I am starting to learn NOT to volunteer to be a punching bag. KWIM?

Maybe your T wants to help you learn to identify your needs and feelings, etc? Can you talk to him a little about how you interpreted what he said and ask him what he meant?
