I think that depends on the individual therapist and your particular relationship with him. I see flowers on my T’s desk from time to time and much of the clutter in her office is from well meaning gifts from appreciative clients. The only gift I have ever given my T is a copy of a book that I finished writing for my daughter that she expressed interest in reading, and manuscripts from my current book that she has encouraged me to publish. But my heart certainly wells up with deep appreciation from time to time and being the type of person who loves to give gifts, I sometimes think it would be nice.
You may consider if you see other items in his office that hint as to whether or not he accepts gifts from clients and go from there. Your gift sounds appropriate enough and would certainly seem to fit the theme in a therapist’s office.
I like that, “Breathe.” (Deep inhale)
Thanks I needed that. I forgot to do that today. Of course it could be the blonde in me that has to be reminded to breathe (te he). I can say that since I am truly blonde and not just a wanna be.