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Going back after a break

I am guessing it is something everyone experiences after a break; the difficulty of going back to the T after a break.

I don't feel so sure I want to go back anymore. There was the auto-replier problem during the break, which made me freak out quite a lot, then the T emailed to say "sorry about that", and I felt it was just brushed off, because really it is not big deal.
I am seeing her tomorrow, and then she will be gone again for one week. I have this feeling I don't see the point of opening up again, trusting her, making myself vulnerable again, because anyway... she will keep disappearing. She will keep leaving me, and that's fine, that's the way of the world but... it hurts. What's the point?
I have this idea that maybe I stay in therapy because I keep myself in the illusion that she won't abandon me, I will get the sense of safety I am craving for... while knowing this won't happen.

How do you deal with going back to therapy after a break? do you feel the same?
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