((SOMEDAYS}} I so understand what your saying about wanting the childhood needs fulfilled as an adult. I honestly don't know what the answer is for you and I wish I did, but I really struggle with those same things. I have trouble with allowing myself to get more attached too my T, so how can I can heal properly. I really believe I can't get enough of the nurturing, love, hugs, built up trust,and constant human presence that I need through my T, because one issue he isn't in the office I go to enough, but more so, I've made the decision not to allow myself to get to dependent on him, so it makes me afraid to even try to accept what he has to offer, because it won't be enough. I'm not saying that I'm NOT attached, because I am, but I don't want to get any more so attached. I don't want to hurt myself emotionally or shame myself by wanting more, when I cannot get more.
I'm afraid of an insecure attachment with my T, and being hurt more, or him abandoning me, and depending on him too much is just to frightening to me. I am to afraid to trust T. As much as it hurts, I continually have to remind myself of the reality that Therapy for me, will not and cannot answer all my needs. I need to continue to look "within myself" for some of those answers.