((AG)) Thank You so much. I so agree with what you have said, and you did not come on to strong at all, it was great. I also agree that my T must have thought the focus shifted from me onto him. What still confuses me was we were in a 2 way conversation,at least I thought it was, and he was sharing with me what he had experienced, so "HE WAS" shifting the conversation to HIMSELF, about HIMSELF, so I just made some response to his comments with no in depth discussion. Why would he even think to bring anything into the conversation about himself, that I couldn't appropriately respond to? But I guess it was bothersome for him, so maybe he needs to quit bringing his own stuff into our conversations if he never expects me to have a response or feel anything about what he says. And you are right, that I should tell him how I feel. Fear and lack of trust hold me back from so much, but I have been known to do some amazing things that even shock me