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Holloween Triggers


Thank you for that article on Halloween Triggers. I hate this festival for many reasons, as well as for what it triggers. My past can be compared to any of the worlds worst horror flicks and pranks imaginable. What others construe as make believe, I know all to well to be true and often were lived out through multiple real life events in my childhood.

Just a couple weeks ago I awoke from a hellish nightmare and my initial response, as always, was to freeze. But I forced myself to respond the way My T taught me by investigating every thing around me. I walked around the house trembling in fear even though I was fully aware it was only a nightmare. I scanned every image that was in my dream to prove that it was not the same as my dream and therefore was not happening. But I began to feel hypothermic and uncertain and my husband had to get up in the middle of the night and sit with me for an hour before I felt safe enough to go back to bed. I hadn’t considered that it could be the time of year that triggered this nightmare, because it seemed to jump out at me from out of nowhere.

Thank you for clearing this up.

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