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Reply to "How do you make yourself choose life? (Not SU)"

Thanks AG. I definitely think you are probably on to something. I absolutely deny my feelings all the time. They are terrifying to me and I try to stuff them away. Couples counseling is doubly frightening as I'm trying so hard to control my own feelings and hide them and at the same time worried so much about what DH is feeling. If I let him know what I feel will he get angry or leave? When I do manage to talk about stuff I'm usually happy when it is over but it truly feels like torture to be in that room during that therapy hour.

Your response make a lot of sense. I'm not sure I'm on the right path to getting to that place of learning to experience my emotions. I'm very close to just quitting this whole therapy experience. I'm telling myself to stick it out through July and then decide if it is really helping or not.

Thanks AG for responding.
