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How much does the age or you T matter to you?

I am being coerced into starting therapy with a new T. There were two to choose from at this particular center. One was in her early thirties with a young child. The other in her early 40's with some step children. I am almost 49 have three teen age children, and am caregiving for my elderly sick mother.

The early 40's T didn't have any openings until August but the early 30's T could see me today. I made an appointment for today with the younger T but I really don't see how this is going to work. How can someone almost 20 years younger than me understand facing menopause, sick and dying parents, and children leaving the nest? She is an ED expert but most ED patients are children. I have so little hope that this can work out.

What do you all think. Does T age matter to you?
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