I saw the young T this morning. She is nice. It is too early to tell if this is going to work. Today was more about her asking questions of me and why I was there. She too was quite puzzled with my current T's position/behaviour. I gave her permission to contact current T to get information. I've scheduled another appt with her next week and have been planning several questions that I have for her. I would like to see her for just ED related stuff and not get into other life stuff with her. Not sure how well that is going to work for me

I wanted to explain the coerced comment for those that might not know my story. I suffer from an ED. My T recently changed my therapy to couples only therapy. The nutritionist (RD) and group (DBT) therapy that I have been in requires me to be in individual counseling. My current T refuses to continue individual counseling with me right now.
Thanks everyone.