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Reply to "How much does the age or you T matter to you?"

I don't think it's necessary for a T to have experienced what you're struggling with in order for them to be very good at their job.

Pretty sure my T has not been through anything like the traumas I have in my life but she's freaking amazing at her job. I'm pretty sure we are about the same age but our lifestyles are so different.

I'm a professional who helps women have babies. I myself have never been pregnant, never given birth, or looked after a baby for more than a few hours at a time. Yet I've seen the birth process hundreds of times and have a huge collection of experience as seen through the eyes and souls of others. And I know for a fact I actually have a lot more empathy and kindness for women going through languor than some of my counterparts who have had their own kids and all the empathy of a concrete block!

And I have clients return to me time ad. Time again for subsequent babies, as well as recommend me to their freinds and family - I also get very good (anonymous) feedback via way of feedback forms (sent to my professional body from the women directly) so I know that 'despite' having never been pregnant or had my own kids - I seem to be dog a pretty good job lol.

The young T might have gone through menopause for all you know - but even if she hasn't, perhaps she has helped HUNDREDS of women through it and helped them process all the changes etc.

I think it would be far more important she is good at her job than have a life even vaguely similar to yours

Hope that makes sense!