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I once saw a counselor (very briefly) that at the very first appointment she shared that she wanted to have me undergo "ericksonian deep relaxation." She barely knew me, and I had never heard of this. I had done a little with EMDR (and have since then, slowly). EMDR seemed weird to me before I tried it, but it's helped. (I know it doesn't help some. It's not for everyone.) I could hack EMDR because the EMDR therapist I saw was very much about having it be very very client driven. When I went to a second (and close to last) appointment with the T that wanted to do this Ericksonian thing, she brought it up again - only this time, I googled it. I asked if she meant Ericksonian hypnosis. She said yes, but it's really more like you just deeply relax and she asks questions... I had no idea why she wanted to do this and so suddenly. I was very creeped out about the idea of her having any kind of "control" of me - or even talking to me in any kind of different state, even a "deeply relaxed" one. I just met her...

However, I also know that some people have probably been really helped by this technique? I'm wondering if anyone has had a good experience with it?
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