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Reply to "Hypnosis?"

i went to a "hypnotherapist" and paid $100 to have her sit me down in a chair while she read a VERY poorly written script that was supposed to relax me and take me on some kind of journey that was supposed to change my experience of back pain...and she read it badly.

when it was done, i was like, "yeah, that was great, thanks" and walked out.

Ha ha Russ, I had a similar experience, trying to get over some big work blocks I was experiencing. Dude came up to me while I was supposedly 'hypnotised' and lifted up my hand at the wrist to see if I was or not. I was thinking 'why the f are you coming over here and touching me when I've got my eyes closed and you haven't told me you would touch me? So I 'helped' him by lifting up my own hand. He said 'you're not supposed to help me, you're supposed to be unconscious'! Mad

There really are some @&%$* quacks out there.