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Reply to "I think I'm stuck..."

I can relate to your experience as mine sounds similar. I noticed that in most of the "raw" sessions, I spend the hour groping around for words that I might usually have. It's like my brain goes blank or something. I don't have answers, I don't have questions...I just feel muddled. I call these sessions "raw" because I feel exposed. I don't want to feel and I can't stop feeling, or I want him to save me -- tell me what to do, how to feel, what to say -- and he isn't budging. I don't think it's that I'm "stuck" so much as I am not wanting to let go and be real. I agree with Attachment Girl, I want to have the edge on what is going on inside of me instead of just opening up and expressing what's really there, in all its messy glory.

For example, today I took up a suggestion from a previous session and wrote up a list of positive things my T thinks about me (this is because I struggle with seeing my own positives). After telling him that I don't know how I will react should he not agree with the items on the list and "please be kind when you are being honest" I handed it to him -- it was just a short list that EVERY fiber of my being did not want to show him BUT I did it anyway.

This is an action example, obviously, but words (or thoughts) are the same way. I don't know how he'll react to what I'll say, ("I am terrified of you" or "I am sad because my parents want to buy me a car") because often times it is crazy, or doesn't seem to make sense, but I do it anyway. I wasted over a year playing it safe and holding out because I couldn't overcome my fear of trusting a very trustworthy person, and a very trustworthy process. It sounds like you've got a good T -- he recognizes that you have feelings and thoughts that you "can't" share because you are afraid of doing so. Go right ahead girl -- trust me, it feels awful at first but, like diving off a diving board into cool, clean water, you'll feel very glad you tried it.