We were playing a game tonight and I jokingly called my H a name "in fun"...we both started laughing and I started laughing hysterically and actually had to lay on the floor after maybe a minute or two the laughing turned to uncontrollable crying. He said something and somehow I was able to quit the crying. We went on to play another round of our game but I was disturbed at this...it has happened on occasion before. I recognize that I was thinking negative stuff during the game going backwards to when I was laughing so hard this past summer and thinking that some family members might have thought I was nuts. Also, changing meds right now so today was no Lexapro or xanax. Has anyone ever had this kind of thing happen as I looked online and it may be related to anxiety. Does anyone know what anxiety condition...I wonder and think some of you may have more knowledge about it? I want to understand and I guess I want to label myself with it just so that I can understand. Thanks in advance.