I think you are right they are signs of releasing anxiety...I did feel back to my more level feeling afterwards. I never understood these things but I am paying more attention to how I feel rather than just the emotions these days. It really does make sense. Thanks so much...quite helpful.
I am tapering off the Lexapro...my dr. said I am on a very low dose to begin with and right now I am taking my regular 10mg every other day for this first two weeks but exactly as you say she said to use the xanax but cut in half so 25mg during the day as needed and probably 25 at night to help sleep. I do notice that I sleep shorter periods of time without the xanax or if I feel wound up which is often these days. Never used xanax during the day before so I was leary that I might want to sleep all day so we'll see. I quit cold turkey on Paxil years ago and that was a horrible experience. I have been keeping my eye on if I would start with all this moody stuff and sure enough here it is. This is all so helpful for me. Thanks xoxo.