Right off the bat I would suggest that you ask your T what he meant by that and then tell him how it made you feel. I know this will not be easy, but confronting any unclear messages, no matter how awkward it makes either of you feel is very important. I don't want to make any assumptions as to the appropriateness w/o knowing the gist of the conversation. But leaving it open to uncertainty can lead to further misunderstandings and uncomfortable situations in the future. The fact that he mentioned that he looks forward to your sessions may not be “inappropriate” but I would wonder why he said that too. Anything that stimulates intense feelings for a client deserves explanation and honest exploration. If he is worthy of your trust he will not be upset or offended by your questionings, your comments, or your feelings, but they should be met with compassion, understanding, warmth, with a clear establishment of boundaries. Boundaries are what will make you feel safe and to know what to expect from this relationship.
I wanted to keep my reply short and direct so if I missed anything or if you have any further questions please let me know. I am sure as others read your post you will receive many helpful suggestions.

Hope to hear more from you again!
Just Me