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Reply to "Is this appropriate?"

I am appreciative of what you all wrote, but I don't think I ever said that my therapist and I were going to "jump in bed". What I said is that he said that he has feelings for me (that go beyond our therapeutic relationship)just like I have feelings for him. Just because we have feelings for each other doesn't mean that we are going to have sex or are going to date or have a relationship or whatever. Also as far as morality, just for the record there are no spouses involved. My divorce has just been finalized and he is single.

I don't think badly of him for feeling the way he does about me. I am glad that he told me how he felt so that I am now able to begin working with another therapist. I think it would have been a great disservice had he not told me how he felt and let me continue in our therapeutic relationship. I am thankful for all that he has helped me to deal with and will always view our sessions as comforting and extremely helpful. While I am sad that he will no longer be my therapist, life does go on and I am looking forward to working with a female therapist.