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Reply to "Is this appropriate?"


I am appreciative of what you all wrote, but I don't think I ever said that my therapist and I were going to "jump in bed". What I said is that he said that he has feelings for me (that go beyond our therapeutic relationship)just like I have feelings for him. Just because we have feelings for each other doesn't mean that we are going to have sex or are going to date or have a relationship or whatever. Also as far as morality, just for the record there are no spouses involved. My divorce has just been finalized and he is single.


I think you really misunderstood a lot of what I said. I mentioned morals because I was trying to point out that my feelings were so strong that I was tempted to violate MY morals. Presumably, someone's morals are based on what they think is important and should guide their behavior. A willingness to go against that guide is a strong sign that something intense and difficult to deal with is going on.

It had nothing to do with your morals, whatever they are. I do not expect other people to live by the same values I do, nor was I implying that you were getting ready to do something wrong.

You were very cryptic in how you presented the situation so I commented based on how I would have been feeling in the same situation. As always, that should be taken or left as it fits your situation. If your last few posts had appeared first, I really think I would have reacted quite differently. Your therapist sounds like he is acting in an extremely responsible manner and placing your good first just as he should. I would imagine however, that the pain of leaving isn't really lessened by that fact. When you first said that he told you he had feelings, that's why I asked WHY he had told you. My worry was that he was trying to exploit you and my first instinct was for you to protect yourself.
