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Reply to "Last Session"

Originally posted by TAS:

Then as time goes by he may as well not even exist. He's gone. When we meet, it will be as if he is not there and I will have to work at believing he is truly there. I hate this whole attachment issue.

I wonder if there is a way to approach therapy without involving attachment. It seems it would be easier and more formal.


Yes, it is possible to go to therapy withy the attachment stuff - I did that successfully for many years after a truly awful experience with attachment many years ago. I worked hard and didn't get attached to a T for years - almost 20 in fact.

Was it helpful? Yes and no. Yes - in that it didn't de-stabalise me. No - in that I never did the real work I needed to in order to fully heal.

Now I'm working with a T and have let myself become attached. It's very bittersweet, as many of us know only too well.

But overall - I'm able to face and deal and process a lot of deep emotional pain I have never ever been able too do before.

And apparently, one day it will result in me being more fully healed.