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Little update ..

Little …Update...
Hello people here. It has been awhile since I wrote here, but I do come and read what is going on sometimes.

So I have been seeing my T from 2008 and now my T is just part of my life and I am in his. After so long time we know each other very well. He knows me and I know many things about my T life family and so on, well also its small place we live in so it’s hard not to know.

I did see him once a week , past few years and last winter he quit were I was seeing him in the clinic and now is mainly in his private practice , but also working another place and working for courts for custody battles . So the plan was to see him every 2 weeks , My T knew I did not have one dollar left for anything so my T did wave the fee and am I forever grateful for that . But my T has been busy in courts and the other work and not so much in his private practice so he had to cancel the appointments if I was the only one he was seeing , it was little hard not to know if he was going to cancel or not. And 2 weeks is little bit long. I had to transfer to another place in my work so not the best time, well I did use e-mail a lot and my T has said I can mail him whenever anytime so ok,

But anyway I did then start to call him and now I do call him once a week just to say hi and get some advice. I know he is a lot busy and just the week before I was going to start my new work he did not call back that day or the following , but he did send e-mail the Sunday night to say sorry and to say good luck for my first day . I can call him and he does call back when he can, later in the day usually when he is driving or between meetings, if not I will call him next day.

This is going smooth in the moment. He has helped me a lot and my child .. Greetings …
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