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Long rant - very confused

Has anyone ever tried to tell their T about erotic transference, and once they barely get started, had their T immediately ask them, What are we going to do about this? I’m stumped. I thought they were supposed to let us talk freely about our feelings and thoughts, while they hold the boundaries, and then they were supposed to help us understand the clinical meaning. Once that happens, there isn’t a problem anymore, or so I’ve read.

Therapy started out as marriage counseling, but went to individual therapy with the same T after a few sessions. We’re now back in marriage therapy with a different therapist while I’m also seeing my T for individual work. I’ve been concerned from the beginning that I would get too attached to my T, but when I found out I could learn from the attachment I decided to continue therapy. We have talked about how we would know if transference is an obstacle to improving my marriage, and had agreed that it’s an obstacle if I’m spending too much time on my relationship with my T compared to my relationship with my husband.

Today is the second time I’ve tried to tell him about this stuff. The first time I tried back in April, he seemed to block everything I tried to say. But then ever since that session, he seems to have been encouraging me to talk about it more, as if maybe he realized he cut me off too fast the first time. It’s taken four months to build up enough comfort and trust to try again. This time, I sent a note to him after the last session. He had been wearing a shirt that was triggering me (distracting me from what we were talking about, because he looked so good), and he had worn it the last three sessions in a row, so I asked him if he could possibly not wear that particular one on the days I came in. I didn’t know what to expect…either that he wouldn’t wear it, or he would deliberately wear it just to trigger me again so we could talk about it. But either way, I thought it would be a good way to break into the transference subject again.

Well, it turns out I hit a boundary…I can’t ask him to wear, or not wear, anything in particular. I felt really embarrassed then, but I understood his point. I was mainly hoping this would kick off an opportunity to tell him ALL the erotic transference stuff. But he immediately brought up the concern, how will we know if my reaction to what he wears is an obstacle or a vehicle to my therapy goals? We’ve already discussed this several times before, so I didn’t know why he was asking it again. Then he reminded me that if it’s an obstacle we can’t “get around” then he’ll have to transfer me to another therapist. Which of course triggered my abandonment issues all over the place.

All I could do is cry and shake my head for the rest of the session because I couldn’t tell what he wanted me to say. I said, this is the first time I’ve wanted the clock to go faster. He offered to end early, which just hurt my feelings more. I said there was so much more I wanted to say, but now I can’t. (If my reaction to his shirt makes him want to send me to another therapist, how in the world can I tell him the rest?) He tried to get me talking again, but there was no way I was going to tell him any more. He kept asking, what are we going to do about it. I said I don’t know, I thought we were just supposed to talk about it in order to understand what it says about me. He said it could either go that way, or it could make my feelings worse by reinforcing them. He said he didn’t have the answer, he wanted us to work together to come up with the answer.

Unfortunately when I’m confused, hurt, and angry at being surprised like this, all I can do is cry, and can’t think at all. Now I have lots of questions, but I want to keep this short, so this is my main question for those of you who have worked through this: What does it mean when your T encourages you to talk about transference, but then blocks you when you actually go to do it? Now that I’m not in the middle of it, I think he wants me to transfer to another therapist, but he wants me to be the one to “come up” with it. Maybe he regrets setting things up this way?

I've asked a couple of times if I should go to another therapist because of my feelings, but he said he thought I should stay with him because if I could work through it, it would be like "gold". He said he would help me “through” the transference, so I kept going back to see him even though we both knew I was developing feelings. He said we were a “team” and that we’d work together, but now I just feel abandoned. I’ve told him that I’ve read lots of stuff on therapy and transference, and that I understand in general that the feelings aren’t what they seem…but he seems afraid (?) to let me discuss them.

What am I missing? We really went round and round on this today, and I’m afraid we might be stuck. He seemed to be getting irritated at my confusion and my crying. I was so ready to get this all out on the table today and get it cleared up, but now I’m wanting to bolt. Ultimately I know I need to go back and try to work this out, but how can I when he keeps threatening to send me to another therapist (at least it feels threatening to me)? Or maybe that’s the point…maybe I’m caring too much? But isn’t that because I’m attached to him now, and therapy can’t happen without attachment? It seems like he wants me to prove I’m not too attached, before I can talk about it. Um…how do I do that? It’s like I have to prove I’m not too sick before he’ll help me get well. I’m just not getting it. Does anyone see where I’m stuck?

Sorry for the ranting, and thanks for reading…
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