i dont know what i think about it for sure. my T had to do 4000 supervised hours before she could practice on her own. she has been practicing over 20 years now but she doesnt have any supervision anymore. she does come across as arrogant maybe, or at least sure of herself, when she says she knows the other Ts around here and there arent any whom she feels have the skill set necessary to truly help clients with longer-term psychotherapy needs. (i live in a very rural area -- its an hour-plus drive to the nearest big town, and 2+ hrs to the nearest metropolitan city.) i have to say that i know of several people who have tried other therapists in this area before finally settling with her, because she makes a difference. so my T may actually be right -- who would supervise her in this rural area if they all have less experience or skills than she does?
and yet, who is there for her to bounce things off and keep herself in check? that part is occasionally disconcerting to me. couldn't she maybe meet with a supervisor online?
but i have a hard enough time with disclosure to T as it is, without worrying that she is talking about me to a supervisor whom i dont know. so in that sense i feel more secure that she isnt talking to anyone.
just some random thoughts.