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Reply to "Mandatory supervision and consultation"

There are already mandates for consultation and supervision in ethics codes and also training institutions and I agree with them.

I would like more information about these mandates from anyone who has links. Are they for consultation AND supervision, or is it a choice between consultation OR supervision? And is it for as long as one practices or only while in training? Are the mandates which have been referred to in this thread applicable for those who practice in all states of the US? Or do you speak concerning the laws in the UK, Canada, or only the US state in which you reside? I want to know because to my knowledge I have never signed any confidentiality-waiver agreement which would allow my T to talk about me outside of our therapy, whether in supervision or by consultation, nor have I signed any waiver regarding her NOT having supervision, and it seems like an issue which a client should be made aware of, and have a choice in, either way. I am pretty sure my T only seeks consultation a small percentage of the time, but I only know this because I have specifically inquired on my own after having many, many sessions, and not because it was something upfront that we discussed in the beginning. In the beginning, I was not even aware that a T could speak about me to someone else without my express permission. That does not seem ethical to me. I thought everything would naturally be strictly confidential between us.