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Reply to "Mandatory supervision and consultation"

Hi Cipher,
The mandates I was discussing were based on my understanding of NY State Law, which requires a certain number of hours an an intern while getting a degree (don't remember the exact number right now) and once you graduate, you must work for a agency that employs multiple therapist and practice for 3000 hours (this figure is based on memory and may be wrong) with supervision.

Some degree programs require the therapist to attend their own therapy, some do not.

As far as I know, once the supervision period is complete, you are licensed for individual practice and at that point onward, there is no requirement in the law for supervision or consultation, although both are recommended by most professional organizations.

As far as confidentiality, in NYS you have complete confidentiality EXCEPT in cases where the therapist believes that you are a danger to yourself or someone else, OR has knowledge that there is on-going child abuse. In those situations, they are mandated to report the situation to authorities (they have a fairly wide range of discretion as to what constitutes a situation which they must report.)

Releasing information specifically about you to anyone else requires a signed release from you. For instance, in NY State you are required to sign a release for your insurance company before you therapist can discuss your treatment.

However, as far as supervision and consultation is concerned, your therapist is allowed to discuss you without a release as long as NO identifying information is provided. In other words, the consultant or supervisor knows that one of their patients is being discussed, but have no way of knowing whom that particular person is nor would they have access to who the Ts patients are (as even the fact that you are a patient is covered by confidentiality.

So your assumption is correct in that anything between you and your T will not be revealed to anyone whom could connect the information back to you.

If you are interested in finding the rules in your own state, looking up the licensing requirements for therapists is a good place to start. Or ask your therapist, she should know.
