Wow your feelings and insights into those feelings so closely resemble my own in regards to the mom and T correlation.
In the beginning I was experiencing mostly erotic transference for my T and then it shifted to maternal transference once I voiced the fact that I was having erotic transference toward her to her. Telling her about it seemed to have killed a lot of its power. For me I think the lines got further blurred because I am a sexual abuse survivor and my mom was my abuser. Sometimes now with the maternal transference when T is being nice and encouraging the erotic transference shows itself again. As a child I equated love and nurturing with sex.
I have had transference with other female Ts in the past and to be honest I never worked through the transference before so I can't say if it ever stops or if we ever work it through to completion. For me, the only thing I can do is try to see it for what it is, make the connection in my brain to the past, try not to take the emotions of my transference out on my current T and try to tame my emotional responses.
I hope you get some relief from this. I am right there with you.