I hear what you are saying incognito and next week we get another chance at it. With that said I think I will try and take your advice Wynne and just say what I need to say.
I really do need to address this transference issue. I know that I need to tell her and face whatever consequences there are, but that is part of my problem REJECTION and having an opinion. I don't know what I will do if she rejects me because of my transference issues. I think at this point it will devastate me. I am really scared about it. My logical side says that for me to benefit from therapy I have to be totally honest, but my emotional side is scared to lose her. We do connect, and she is what keeps me going back.
I guess if I tell her how I feel I will definitely get to the truth.
I miss her today, and wish I had the chance to go back and see her this week. Monday seems so far away.